Why a euro net membership makes sense
Addiction prevention is still a relatively new subject; there is still a lot to be done in this field, on theoretical and practical level. On national level, the actors of addiction prevention mostly cooperate in a good way.
On European level however, euro net is one of the few opportunities to ensure an exchange in the field of addiction prevention. Thereby, the European exchange acts as an important model to benefit from cross-national experiences, methods and concepts. (click on image)
European Workshop for Addiction Prevention 2022 (in German)
The European Workshops for Addiction Prevention serve the transnational exchange in addiction prevention. The Workshop in June 2022 in Münster (DE) discussed options how the network can support the European Drug Strategy and EU Drugs Action Plan 2021-2025.
The first part of this publication describes key aspects that have been discussed and a selection of best practices from EU countries. The second part reports on a Design Thinking process during which the members of the network have developed ideas on how to support the EU Drug Strategy.
Make the difference - Building Bridges of Support
The guide "Building Bridges of Support - A Collaborative Path of Different Help Systems to Empower Families with Addiction Issues" has been created by the project partners of the EU-funded project "Make the difference - Together for Child Protection in Families with Addiction Issues" in 2023.
European Workshop for Addiction Prevention 2016
The European Workshops for Addiction Prevention serve the transnational exchange in addiction prevention. This Workshop in Legden-Asbeck offered general information to addiction prevention and initiatives and successful projects to the keypoint “Addiction prevention among young adults”.
In the first part of this publication the different situations and keypoints are presented. Practical is the second part: good-practice-examples from 15 different countries are described in a tabular overview. (click on image)
Localize It! manual
This manual is a product of the EU-funded project Localize It which ran from April 2017 to September 2019. The process of the Local Alcohol Strategy in Localize It is based on the RADIX model from Switzerland (Roth et al. 2009) and the German manual of a “Local alcohol policy” by the LWL-Coordination Offi ce for Drug-Related Issues (LWL, 2013).
Parents as peers
Neue Zugänge zur Elternbildung.
Die vorliegenden Guidelines «Parents as peers – Neue Zugänge zur Elternbildung » ist in zwei Bereiche und ein Verzeichnis gegliedert.
Der erste Teil umfasst Ideen und Vorschläge, wie man es «machen kann», aber nicht machen muss! Insbesonders sind Sie eingeladen, bei den praktischen Beispielen Ideen – angepasst an die regionalen sozialen und kulturellen Verhältnisse – zu entwickeln.
Der zweite Teil besteht aus den Resumées der Regionalreports. Diese Reports bieten eine Fülle von Hinweisen und Ideen zur Theorie und Praxis von Elternbildung und Suchtprävention. (click on image)
take care
TAKE CARE prevention experts developed information materials and made them available, for example reports for practical implementation, information material for retail employee, additional exercises, draft invitations for the different target groups and questionnaires for evaluation. The materials are available in English and German.
TAKE CARE started with a research-phase. You can download the summary of the country reports in German and English version.
euro youth report
Manual for practical implementation, a specific german version of the euro youth guidelines (German), Münster 2005 (LWL-Koordinationsstelle Sucht, Caritasverband für den Kreis Coesfeld).
(The manual can be ordered from the back office for € 32,50)
Evaluation of European peer education programmes for youngsters in out-of-school situations in the field of prevention of addiction and abuse of alcohol, drugs and other additive resources.
Final Report from the Scientific Evaluation team for the euro parents projets (English), Utrecht, November 2003 (D.Villevoye, C. Vleeming, A. Schrijvers)