About euro net

euro net is a European addiction prevention network established in 1996. At euro net, experts from theory and practice from various disciplines of addiction prevention are commited to the qulitative development of addiction prevention as a central component of general health at European level.

Through its projects, euro net is developing innovative and science-oriented addiction prevention concepts and methods. All concepts and methods are tested together and adapted flexibily to the local levels as required. 

The organisational structure of the network ensures an effective transfer of expertise from the European to the local and regional level.


The Executive Committee

President: Alena Kopanyiova (SK)

Vice-President: Frank Schulte-Derne (D)

Finances: Sonja Basemans and Cynthia Kempe (NL)

Commitee member: Stig Tore Bogstrand (NO) and Carlo Baeten (B)



The Backoffice

Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL)
LWL-Koordinationsstelle Sucht
Marion Hölscher
Schwelingstr. 11
D-48145 Münster
Telephone: +49 (0)251 591 5994