Profil of the Organisation
The „Institut Suchtprävention is a knowledge center for the prevention of addictions and drug abuse. It was founded in 1994 as part of pro mente Upper Austria in Linz and is nearly entirely financed by the Upper Austrian Federal Government. The team consists about 30 members. Their varied education and functions resemble the different target groups and meet their needs. Psychotherapists and continuing adult education trainers are as well members of the institute as pedagogues, psychologists and communication scientists, sociologists, social scientists or social workers. They all emphasise the interdisciplinary character of this center..
Responsibility for what region?
Upper Austria with about 1,5 Mio inhabitants.
Main items of content, guidelines in the context of prevention.
The primary goal is to minimise the problems and damages arising in the context of psychoactive substances and together with the phenomenon of addiction. This is to be achieved by medium term and long term preventive activities. A resulting sub goal is the general increase of constitutional behaviour. We want to sensitise the population for the issue of addiction and to inform them about the conditions for the development of addictions and the opportunities of their prevention.
With the scope of individual measures the capacity of single persons and groups to act and to communicate should be strengthened. Thus, specifically the enhancement of competence in dealing with crises and conflicts, the support of the ability to indulge and experience or the boost of self-worth are of importance. In order to optimise the way the issue of addiction is dealt with in society the knowledge about legal and illegal substances and about certain behaviour traits must be enhanced.
A further main goal is to establish preventive activities also on the so-called “structural level”. For preventive methods are often most effective in areas in which they are least specified: In an environment worth living, in qualified and sensitive work with children and adolescents, in cooperative and humane work contexts or in creative and self-awareness encouraging recreational activities.
In order to achieve these goals, the prevention of addiction also needs to be seriously defined as a principle of action on the political level. This principle must be applied likewise in all socially relevant areas – particularly in the domains of business, social matters, health, family and safety.
The range of responsibilities include:
Offered by means of a target group oriented dialogue which develops on different levels. Reaching from the youth homepage and various seminars and workshops to our wide range of information materials.
In the areas of kindergarten, school, youth, family, local authority and enterprise. A special topic of interest is the practical engagement in target oriented prevention and risk factors – on personal and structural level.
For so-called “multipliers”. With our seminars, workshops and presentations we most of all optimise the ‘addiction preventive effect’ of those persons who daily deal with children and youngsters – not only in theory but also in practise.
For us this means the passing on of know how. As independent advisors we offer our expertise concerning addiction, psychoactive substances and related prevention strategies.
Means establishing networks and important connections. Therefore we engage in various networks not only on regional but also on national and European level in order to support the prevention of addictions.
Creates new scientific results. Therefore, we consciously focus on objectivity and seriousness where emotions, moral and ideology form public opinion.
Experiences in the field of prevention on European level
Membership in several EU projects such as:
• CTC – Communities That Care
• Promoting excellence in drug prevention in the EU
• Click for Support
• ENCARE – European Network for Children Affected by Risky Environments within the Family.
Experiences in management and communication on European level
See previous point.