Integra Limburg
Carlo Baeten
Pater Valentinuslaan 32
B-3500 Hasselt
+32011 22 30 10
Profile of the Organisation
zorGGroep Zin is a merger of CAD (Centra voor Alcohol- en andere Drugproblemen) and VGGZ (Association for Mental Health). ZorGGroep Zin vzw, is an NGO, in which the CAD is the department, active in the field of addiction (outpatient care and prevention). The organization is financed by the National Government (department of Health Care/Revalidation), by the Flamish Government and by the communities (42) of the Province Limburg.
The staff consists of 145 colaborators (medical, social, psychological education). 14 are active in the field of prevention.
Main tasks are: outreach social work, prevention and outpatient care in connection with addition problems.
In addition, the wider organization is active across the spectrum of mental health and forensic operations.
The focus from CAD is on addictive drugs such as alcohol, medicines and illegal drugs as well as on gambling and gaming addiction.
We also invest in the development of a network in the Limburg region in cooperation with local facilities and self-help groups.
Responsibility for what region?
The Province Limburg in the Nort-East part of the country, near to the border with Germany and The Netherlands.
The region has app. 900.000 inhabitants.
Main items of content, guidelines in the context of prevention.
We develop and implement evidence-based prevention strategies in nearly all sectors of life (schools, factories, youthwork, prisons, sportsclubs,….).
Experiences in the field of prevention on European level
CAD has participated in all the previous euro net projects, in particular in euro peers, euro net, euro youth, euro parents, Fred Goes Net, Take Care, Click for Support, Localize it and Make the difference.
Within the euro net network, the representative from the Belgium institution have held the presidency and the vice-presidency and the function of secretary as well.