Profil of the Organisation
EHYT is in a NGO with 100 member organization. Operations are financed by government with Slot mashine Association funding. Annual budget is ca. 5 mio Euro. Staff is 60 employees. Degrees of staff education majority are masters and bachelors in university and university of applied science.
Responsibility for what region?
Nationwide (Finland).
Main items of content, guidelines in the context of prevention
EHYT is a preventive substance abuse work organization that operates in all of Finland and among the entire population to promote healthy ways of life. The work extends from children and young people to wirking-aged and pension-aged people.
EHYT has strong expertise and skills in preventive substance abuse work and substance policy. This gives the organization a solid base to also operate in a broader sense as a common voice for organisations that do preventive substance abuse work.
EHYT calls for proper substance policy and co-operation based on factual arguments. Above all, EHYT has been built as an expert, supporter and influencer, an innovative partner, and an arena for voluntary work, peer support and encountering people. The objective of the organizational work of EHYT is to create and support the operating conditions of its members organisations and civic actors in preventive substance abuse work.
Experiences in the field of prevention on European level
Member in Eurocare, Nordan, euro net and HRI.
Experiences in management and communication on European level
Member of the board of Eurocare and Nordan. Presentations in HRI.