
Westfalen-Lippe (LWL)
Koordinationsstelle Sucht

Frank Schulte-Derne

Warendorfer Str. 27
D-48145 Münster

Visitor address:
Schwelingstrasse 11
D-48145 Münster

+49 251 591-4710

Profil of the Organisation

The Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe, is the public services provider in Westphalia-Lippe, the western part of North Rhine-Westphalia. With about 16.000 employees it takes charge of services for the 8,3 million inhabitant of the region. LWL provides 35 special schools for handicapped children, 20 clinics for psychiatric patients and 17 museums. It is one of the largest social welfare provider in germany , cares for the disabled and is the regional youth welfare office, that advises the offices in the districts and municipalities.
Members of the LWL are the 9 self-administered cities and 18 districts (with 222 municipalities). The LWLs policies are steered by an parliamentary committee – the Regional Assembly (Westphalian Parliament).
The LWLs Coordination Office for Drug-related Issues supports, informs and qualifies employees in the area of addiction aid and related fields (particularly in the youth welfare) with actually, praxis-oriented and cost-efficient trainings. The LWL-KS adds to enhancements and differentiation in addiction aid with innovative projects, early intervention, work with peers, quality management and others.
Generally all pilot projects are scientifically evaluated. Later implementation is seminar by the project-development.
LWL-KS offers advice, information, service and coordination for their customers: institutions for addiction aid, administrations, local authorities and in individual cases individuals from Westphalia-Lippe. In addition communal politician supporting social, health and youth programs. self-help organisations, youth welfare and justice.
LWL-KS has got 10 employees: 4 qualified staff member in the field of social work, and 6 clerical worker / public administration. Additional experts for pilot projects.

Responsibility for what region.

For the region Westphalia-Lippe as nothern part of North Rhine Westphalia with ca. 8,3 mio inhabitants. The landscape of Westphalia-Lippe is rurally structured, a part of the urban Ruhr area belongs to it.

Main items of content, guidelines in the context of prevention

LWL-KS is adviser and coordinator of addiction aid and central contact person for special institutions, clinics, self-help and committees on regional, national and european level. LWL-KS qualifies employees, develops practice-oriented tools, informs about scientific results and actual legislation. The LWL-KS develops and proves different pilot projects for addiction prevention, amongst others. These were for example “Rückkehrhilfe”, aid for drug-dependent german persons in the Netherlands, Quality management, “Therapie sofort” as a cooperation project to enable a therapy during 24 hours, SeM – secondary prevention for young resettler in Münster and “Search”.

Experiences in the field of prevention on European level

LWL-KS first activities have been the European Weeks for addiction prevention in 1992 and 1994.
During the last years the LWL-KS developed and coordinated following projects: Click for Support, FreD goes net, TAKE CARE, Twinning-project Romania, Twinning-project Slovakia, spaces to life, euro net, search I and II. Additional to that LWL-KS is partner in the joint action “RARHA” and was partner in the European project “euro youth and euro parents” (coordinated by the Netherlands euro net partner TACTUS).

Experiences in management and communication on European level

LWL-KS was applicant body and main partner in the most of the above-named projects, which means LWL-KS was responsible for development, application, implementation and management of the above-named EU-projects. Doris Sarrazin acted as evaluator for project approval for the Drug Prevention and Information Programme of the DG-Justice.