Výskumný ústav detskej psychológie a patopsychológie
Alena Kopanyiova
Cyprichova 42
831 05 Bratislava
+421 2 43414054
Profil of the Organisation
Governmental organization working and financing under ministry of Education. Research Institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology (VÚDPaP) is the only workplace in the Slovak Republic that is focused on the complex research of psychological aspects of child and youth development and on the research of conditions that influence this development. VÚDPaP's Child Centre delivers complex multidisciplinary care for children with special needs and for their families including counselling recommendations to schools and school facilities that work with these children.
Professional workers (psychologists and special pedagogists) of Research Institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology deliver counselling services to children, their parents and teachers with focus on problems of children in the area of cognitive, social, emotional, and school development, and in the area of vocational orientation.
Multiresort cooperation on the field of prevention and well being children and youth (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Welfare and family).
Responsibility for what region?
Main items of content, guidelines in the context of prevention
VÚDPaP has a tight cooperation with Centres of Pedagogic-Psychological Counselling and Prevention, and by means of the Methodological-Research Cabinet of Educational Counselling and Prevention it secures for their workers the methodological, training and supervisory activities and implementation of selective prevention programs. Methodological help for tertiary prevention sector (residential care houses).
Experiences in the field of prevention on European level
- ESPAD (2011) / ESPAD 2015
- KIDS online project
- TAKE CARE project
- FreD Goes Net project.
Experiences in management and communication on European level
- doc. Alojz Nociar (temporary staff)– member of the executive committee for Alcohol prevention (Brussels)
- Štefan Matula, PhD. – Children’s Fund DCI.