When the Click For Support project ended in 2015 all members of euro net agreed that the next logical step would be to develop a web-based intervention based on the guidelines: and that’s when Click for Support REALized started.
The main objective of Click for Support – REALized (co-funded by the European Union), was to develop a web-based intervention for consumers of New Psychoactive Substances (also known as ‘designer drugs’, ‘research chemicals’, or ‘legal highs’). Especially over the past 10 years, the market for NPS has developed and expanded rapidly, yet inadequate information sources are available for users regarding possible risks and health harms of NPS use. Furthermore, there is a lack of prevention interventions specifically directed at NPS use. The developed WBI, called Mind your Trip, is the first joint, European-wide online professional prevention offer focused on NPS.
Mind your Trip bases on the guidelines for web-based selective drug prevention developed in the former Click for Support project. National and international research exercises were held to collect currently existing good practices regarding prevention offers for NPS.
Mind your Trip consists of an informational part on the effects and risks of consumption of different new psychoactive substances, a self-assessment test for users, and a 30-day intervention programme operated by national prevention experts. The contents of the website are partially informed by the opinions and ideas of NPS users themselves: in order to involve the target group, two rounds of national focus groups were conducted.
Involved in the project, as in the previous Click for Support project, are representative institutions from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, and Slovenia. The collaborating prevention experts of all participating countries received training in online counseling and handling Mind your Trip by experts.