Digital techniques have a big influence on the communication habits of young people. Web-based exchange and surfing for information is part of the every day live of nearly all adolescents in Europe. However web-based methods are seldom used for drug prevention.
In “Click for Support” experiences and knowledge regarding web-based interventions in Europe were collected and assessed. Intermediate steps ended into a guideline with inter-coordinated European standards. Web-based drug prevention methodologies are interventions within the internet (websites or apps for smart phones), which offer e.g. personal feedback on consumption-behaviour, on the knowledge regarding drugs or support to reduce consumption. They work inter-actively and target awareness rising on the risks of drug consumption.
With web-based interventions more young drug consumers can be reached to raise their awareness of the health and social problems in coherence of drug use. Study results do prove the cost-effectiveness of this approach. They do reach more young people with risky consumption patterns than face to face interventions can do and in particular those who would not come into personal contact with health care services.
As first step of the project an overview on already existing web-based interventions in the 13 participating countries (AT, BE, CY, DE, FI, GR, IT, LV, LU, NL, PT, SI, SK) were elaborated and a group within the social network LinkedIn established as an open platform for international exchange on web-based offers.. The identified interventions were assessed based on two factors: a) along the EMCDDA’s criteria for quality levels and professional experiences, b) by participation of the target group. In national workshops young drug consumers expressed their opinion concerning the identified approaches and advanced their wishes concerning these offers in general. A draft of the guideline took the AGREE II instrument into account. Using the Delphi method, the guideline were further developed by the partners, supported by remarks of the members of the LinkedIn group.
Partners from 13 countries all over Europe worked together to develop the guidelines. Nearly all of these partners are also member of the European prevention network euro net and have already conducted several projects together. They were supported by associated partners, international experts and members of the target group as well as members of the LinkedIn-group.
You can find the guidelines in the download area.