The Guidelines for the euro youth project were developed in 1998 and 1999 as part of the euro net project under the title »Meet the need«. The euro youth practice-based project was then conducted for 18 months from
December 2001 to June 2003 in conjunction with the euro parentsproject.
The aim of euro youth was to extend the peer approach to addiction preven tion in out-of-school youth work. More than 100 young people took part from eleven European countries. The implementation of the project particularly focussed on using an experiential approach. This utilised the methodological components »RISFLECTING« and »art-based empowerment«. The practical peer projects were concerned with planning and creating a sculpture and preparing a final party.
The results of euro youth have been summarised by Gerald Koller from the VITAL Office, Steyr, Austria, in »Five Tips for Practitioners«.
The project supporting body for euro youth was the Dutch network partner TACTUS, Enschede. The Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht, Belgium, was responsible for the scientific consultation and evaluation. Expert advice was provided by the VITAL Office and the Fachgruppe Gesundheitsförderung in Zurich, Switzerland. euro youth was funded by the European Commission.