Project site (German)
Project info EMCDDA (English)
Early intervention for young drug users
FreD goes net is the transfer and continued development of the German federal pilot project »FreD – Early Intervention for Young Drug Users«. Conceptually, the project is in the field of selective prevention. 17 European partner countries are set to test and where necessary modify German experiences with access routes and the implementation of the early intervention project.
It is important to reach young consumers as early as possible after an abnormality and to give a health-related offerings. »Classic« access routes include the police and the judiciary system. Working within an European context, the project aims to test which alternative access routes can also be successful, in particular when young consumers first become noticed at school and in the workplace.
Since 2007 FreD goes net has been exported into 17 European countries.
The project which received funding from the European Union (EU) achieved a considerable success, as documented by the scientific evaluation (FOGS, Cologne, DE) of the contacts with approximately 1,300 youngsters between Latvia and Luxemburg, Iceland and Romania.
The short film of the LWL (available only in German language) reports on two case reports – the success story of the FreD goes net export hit and the international experiences which were presented during the FreD congress in Münster, Germany.
FreD goes net is supported by the European Commission and the the German Federal Ministry of Health, Berlin.
Details of FreD goes net can be found on the official website