MTD online conference

The program

Make the difference online conference - 18 September 2023


Presentations and Recordings

Children’s Rights Perspective in Addiction Services. Where Do We Stand Now?

Gisela Hansen, Dianova

Make the difference - Overview

Rebekka Kleinat, LWL

Make the difference in Siegen, Germany

Julia Bahr, AWO Suchthilfe Siegen

Julia Bahr, AWO Suchthilfe Siegen

Make the difference in Limburg ,Belgium

Ellen Gibney & Jeroen Aerts, Integra


Make the difference in Catalonia

Lidia Segura, Generalitat de Catalunya




Rebekka Kleinat, LWL








Co-funded by the European Union‘s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020)

Duration: May 2021 – October 2023

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